Thursday 23 October 2014


3D in video games is the use of a game engine to display models in an environment that is third dimensional, This gives game a better aesthetic look than 2D as each character/object is created in 3D modelling software which means they can freely move around and aren't restricted to 2 axis like in most 2D games, it also makes animation a lot easier as they don't have to be redrawn by the artist each time.

Here are some 3D renders I have created in 3D software Blender:

This is the model for a table I created, it has a high number of polygons.

This is the same table but with some textures now applied to it.

This is a staff I created. It is the third version of it as I went through some improvements before finishing it.

This is a Gladius sword I created for a weapons project.

This is a prototype war-hammer I also created for the weapons project

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